So I'm starting a series of illustrations featuring this little bear who is just none to bright! He was quite fun to create. You can read more about my illustrations and see more of them on my illustration blog: http://GumballGrenade.blogspot.com
Currently I am in love with my watercolor, pencil, and micron pen. I painted this last night and for those of you who know me I definitely expect to see this scene in real life in the near future. Would that be a case of life imitating art? Anyway this is one of my original illustrations titled "Muddy". It was painted using watercolors and ink. It features a cat (maybe JuJu Bean) that has been into mischief and his playmate (E???) who is going to attempt to give the cat a little bath.
Available in my Etsy Shop: Gumball Grenade
Here's a pic:
Technique: I sculpted/carved the fawn using a sculptors knife (?) At least I think that is what the tool is called. On one side it has a pointed spade type blade and on the other it has a curved blade. I'll have to start making some video clips.