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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

About how I miss the Iris and Purple Tiger Tears!

I love really dark purple iris flowers. I had some growing at my last house and I haven't planted any here at my new home yet. So as many know flowers carry a great deal of symbolism with them. When I researched the iris flower I discovered that the name Iris means rainbow, after a goddess who cloaked herself in dewdrops to reflect the stars and then communicated between heaven and earth via rainbows. I also read that the iris is also a symbol heroism. Rainbows and heroism...who could ask for more! Here's a little necklace I carved up the other night featuring three iris blooms and a dragonfly.
As far as amethyst goes...what a beautiful story:

According to Greek mythology, Bacchus was insulted by a human and swore revenge (via a tiger mauling) on the next human he saw. Diana saw this poor human woman named Amethyst heading towards Bacchus so Diana took pity on her and turned her into a quartz statue to protect her from the tiger. Bacchus was so regretful of his actions that he cried tears of wine on to the beautiful Amethyst, hence the gems beautiful color!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your comments in the recent forum about your blog so I just took a random chance and clicked on your blog. Your work is beautiful! And your blog presentation is so informative. I will definitely return often. Loved scrolling down and seeing your work!